Wednesday 7 December 2011

This One does Post - A Photo Story - A little Brave

(The logistical nightmare of taking photos of doll inside X_X )
Prisipiteen: Mr Muffin?

Muffin: Ahuh?

Prisipiteen: Why is the Keeper packing away all her things into a case again? Its not time for another convention is it?

Muffin: Didn’t that Father of yours tell you anything? We’re going to Scotland to visit Aunty Claire.

Prisipiteen: We are!? :<

Muffin: Don’t you want to go?

Prisipiteen: Um.. Well.. Its not that :< Just.. There might be lots of people!

Muffin: And so what if there are?

Prisipiteen: Um well… its just that….

Muffin: I mean you’re so small and cute! Everyone will love you!

Prisipiteen: ……..

Muffin: Hey come on! Don’t be so sad! Just think of all the cakes and sweets and things there will be!

Prisipiteen: Cakes…. Sweets? O_O

Muffin: Of course! Its Christmas! There HAS to be cakes and sweets… and judging by that box the Keeper keeps *trying* to fit stuff in <.< I’m sure there will be more than enough.

Prisipiteen: Well… maybe…

Muffin: Its going to be fine! And its not like you’re going to be on your own, I’ll be there with you!

Prisipiteen: Okay… maybe I can be brave…

Muffin: I’m sure you can! In fact I know you can!

Prisipiteen: Do you think the Keeper needs any help?

Muffin: <.< Nahhh besides, don’t you think its funny watching her struggle like that?

Prisipiteen: Is Lhemis coming too?

Muffin: Nope *snicker* The Keeper said something about “Kathiel wont play nice with Aunty Claire’s Changelings” So he’s staying at home! :D *smug*

Muffin: Fiorellii is staying here to guard the house, which just leaves me and you!

Prisipiteen: What about Mashe?

Muffin: Well your mums at the spar *again* right? -Damn woman’s more high maintenance than I am! -

Prisipiteen: Do you think she’ll be back in time?

Muffin: I don’t know. I haven’t really thought about it…

Prisipiteen: :< :< :< :< *sad face*

Muffin: What I *do* know is that when she comes back? She’s going to look faaab-uu-luss!

Prisipiteen: Do you think so?

Muffin: Sure I do! I know everything! I’ve predicted as much! XD

Prisipiteen: You know if Lhemis hears you saying 'future stuff' like that he’ll kick you outside again :<

Muffin: HUH! He can *try*

Prisipiteen: Well… If Mashe comes back… and there are going to be presents and sweets… then I’m sure I can be a little brave….

Muffin: That’s the spirit :D

Tuesday 25 October 2011



So I've deleted pretty much everything XD 
My Fur Affinity account bit the dust first. Then my old e-mail accounts, my LJ and finally my Deviant Art account. The last one took a LONG time to re-organise X_X but I think it will be worth it in the long run 8> 

I was never keen on the 'weeaboo' connotation of the 'chan' at the end of my name. As times gone on they (weeaboos) have gotten worse and more prolific with using that 'OMG KAWAII DESU' word on the ends of their names. 

I didn't want to look like a Tartlett.... so it has been changed.

Had a few up's and down's with the dolls :< but hopefully going to get them sorted soon enough. Now I must scout out new eyes in the correct sizes X__X

Tuesday 4 October 2011

This one does post - Kathiel being a whore


This One does test >.> Navigation

Testing Testing >.>


This One does Post - A Photo Story - Let him eat cake


Kathiel: Urghhhhh *twitches* X__X

Prisipiteen: Lhemis what's the matter?
Kathiel: I think... I think I'm dying Cene :<

Kathiel: If ONLY your dear Mashe had let me eat that piece of cake yesterday... *DRAMATIC SIGH* then I might *cough* LIVE. *cough*

Prisipiteen: :< Don't die Lhemis!! Mashe didn't mean to be... mean! She was only thinking about Lhemis's teeth ;^; Mashe says you have many of them! and they might fall out if you keep eating sweets!

Kathiel: Cene... I'm pretty sure I really am dying this time.... Theres a bright light and everything!

Prisipiteen: Well.. what can I do to make you better? :<

Kathiel: *fake ponders* WELLLLLLL........

Prisipiteen: What if I gave you some cake :<?

Kathiel: WELLLL that would entirely depend on WHAT kind of cake it is Cene....

Prisipiteen: *pop* This kind of cake 8>

Kathiel: *___* *drools*

Kathiel: LOOK CENE! I'M HEALED! 8D I can sit up and everything.

Prisipiteen: <.< Mashe said you might say something like that...

Kathiel: >.> <.< lets not tell Mashe that you gave me cake alright?

Prisipiteen: Mashe will be angry with you 8<

Kathiel: That's why we don't tell her <.< >.>


MY PRECIOUS ONE *__* *rocks backwards and forwards*

And another of Pris because that nurse outfit... I have lusted over it for YEARS and now IT IS MINE (with thanks to birthday money Xp <3 )

*Lhemis = Daddy
*Mashe = Mummy
* Cene = Darling/angel

This One does Post - A Photo Story - The Daily challenges of being a Prince


>.> slightly different tactic.... Kathiel got hold of Fiorelii's diary obviously...

Prisipiteen: Mashe? do you think Lhemis would like some cake?

Neyanna: No Cene, you eat the cake! besides Lhemis is too fat as it is....

Kathiel: <.< I'm standing RIGHT HERE you know T^T

Neyanna: Well you DO eat a lot of cake Kathiel >.>

Prisipiteen: Lhemis? You can have the cake... I don't mind :<

Kathiel: And I'm diabetic... I eat a lot of cake... so?

Neyanna: I mean... a LOT of cake Kathiel T^T

Prisipiteen: But Mashe! I don't mind....

Kathiel: Oh GODS! What has the Arcarna COME TO!?! When my OWN WIFE doubts me!!!

Neyanna: T^^T here we go...

Kathiel: I think.... I think I might be dying!! its a brain tumour.... X__X

Neyanna: *face palm* Kathiel you cant be dying.. your a god..

Kathiel: Honestly Neyanna I really think I might have a tumour!
Neyanna: You were FINE a second ago T^T

Kathiel: Well these things DO come on quite sudden you know!!

Neyanna: So.. first you want the cake.. because your diabetic... now its a brain tumour... which is it?

Kathiel: Well it could be both!!! we simply don't know Neya! hence why... I should probably eat that cake! <.<

Neyanna: You would take your OWN daughters cake..... T^^T you monster!

Prisipiteen: :< but Mashe! Lhemis Can HAVE the cake :< I don't want it :<

Neyanna: Though if you ARE adamant you're dying.... maybe I should call Sabuku or maybe Fritz to look you over <.<

Kathiel: *Dismissive hand* O__O NO NO!! That wont be needed!!!!!

Prisipiteen: T^T *stares at the cake*

Prisipiteen: TA DAH 8D

Neyanna: >.> Cene... did you ....

Kathiel: *twitches* O__O you ate it....

Kathiel: OH GODS1?!!?! WHY! WHY! *cries*

Prisipiteen: Now you cant fight 8D

Neyanna: >.>... I guess.. that works......

Omake >.>

Kathiel: *weeping*

Neyanna: Oh here.... DO shut up Majesty T^^T *gives him cake*

Kathiel: OH NEYA 8D ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Neyanna: T^^T It means nothing. >.> <.< ♥