Tuesday 25 October 2011



So I've deleted pretty much everything XD 
My Fur Affinity account bit the dust first. Then my old e-mail accounts, my LJ and finally my Deviant Art account. The last one took a LONG time to re-organise X_X but I think it will be worth it in the long run 8> 

I was never keen on the 'weeaboo' connotation of the 'chan' at the end of my name. As times gone on they (weeaboos) have gotten worse and more prolific with using that 'OMG KAWAII DESU' word on the ends of their names. 

I didn't want to look like a Tartlett.... so it has been changed.

Had a few up's and down's with the dolls :< but hopefully going to get them sorted soon enough. Now I must scout out new eyes in the correct sizes X__X

1 comment:

  1. I hate when that happens :( There's so much stuff i love that i'm embarassed to admitt because of all the idiot 'fans' out there who only follow it because it's a trend. My analogie of it is like losing your appitite for chocolate cake after watching someone cram one down their necks. Where do we follow your work now then?
