Wednesday 7 December 2011

This One does Post - A Photo Story - A little Brave

(The logistical nightmare of taking photos of doll inside X_X )
Prisipiteen: Mr Muffin?

Muffin: Ahuh?

Prisipiteen: Why is the Keeper packing away all her things into a case again? Its not time for another convention is it?

Muffin: Didn’t that Father of yours tell you anything? We’re going to Scotland to visit Aunty Claire.

Prisipiteen: We are!? :<

Muffin: Don’t you want to go?

Prisipiteen: Um.. Well.. Its not that :< Just.. There might be lots of people!

Muffin: And so what if there are?

Prisipiteen: Um well… its just that….

Muffin: I mean you’re so small and cute! Everyone will love you!

Prisipiteen: ……..

Muffin: Hey come on! Don’t be so sad! Just think of all the cakes and sweets and things there will be!

Prisipiteen: Cakes…. Sweets? O_O

Muffin: Of course! Its Christmas! There HAS to be cakes and sweets… and judging by that box the Keeper keeps *trying* to fit stuff in <.< I’m sure there will be more than enough.

Prisipiteen: Well… maybe…

Muffin: Its going to be fine! And its not like you’re going to be on your own, I’ll be there with you!

Prisipiteen: Okay… maybe I can be brave…

Muffin: I’m sure you can! In fact I know you can!

Prisipiteen: Do you think the Keeper needs any help?

Muffin: <.< Nahhh besides, don’t you think its funny watching her struggle like that?

Prisipiteen: Is Lhemis coming too?

Muffin: Nope *snicker* The Keeper said something about “Kathiel wont play nice with Aunty Claire’s Changelings” So he’s staying at home! :D *smug*

Muffin: Fiorellii is staying here to guard the house, which just leaves me and you!

Prisipiteen: What about Mashe?

Muffin: Well your mums at the spar *again* right? -Damn woman’s more high maintenance than I am! -

Prisipiteen: Do you think she’ll be back in time?

Muffin: I don’t know. I haven’t really thought about it…

Prisipiteen: :< :< :< :< *sad face*

Muffin: What I *do* know is that when she comes back? She’s going to look faaab-uu-luss!

Prisipiteen: Do you think so?

Muffin: Sure I do! I know everything! I’ve predicted as much! XD

Prisipiteen: You know if Lhemis hears you saying 'future stuff' like that he’ll kick you outside again :<

Muffin: HUH! He can *try*

Prisipiteen: Well… If Mashe comes back… and there are going to be presents and sweets… then I’m sure I can be a little brave….

Muffin: That’s the spirit :D

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