Tuesday 4 October 2011

This One does Post - A Photo Story - The Daily challenges of being a Prince


>.> slightly different tactic.... Kathiel got hold of Fiorelii's diary obviously...

Prisipiteen: Mashe? do you think Lhemis would like some cake?

Neyanna: No Cene, you eat the cake! besides Lhemis is too fat as it is....

Kathiel: <.< I'm standing RIGHT HERE you know T^T

Neyanna: Well you DO eat a lot of cake Kathiel >.>

Prisipiteen: Lhemis? You can have the cake... I don't mind :<

Kathiel: And I'm diabetic... I eat a lot of cake... so?

Neyanna: I mean... a LOT of cake Kathiel T^T

Prisipiteen: But Mashe! I don't mind....

Kathiel: Oh GODS! What has the Arcarna COME TO!?! When my OWN WIFE doubts me!!!

Neyanna: T^^T here we go...

Kathiel: I think.... I think I might be dying!! its a brain tumour.... X__X

Neyanna: *face palm* Kathiel you cant be dying.. your a god..

Kathiel: Honestly Neyanna I really think I might have a tumour!
Neyanna: You were FINE a second ago T^T

Kathiel: Well these things DO come on quite sudden you know!!

Neyanna: So.. first you want the cake.. because your diabetic... now its a brain tumour... which is it?

Kathiel: Well it could be both!!! we simply don't know Neya! hence why... I should probably eat that cake! <.<

Neyanna: You would take your OWN daughters cake..... T^^T you monster!

Prisipiteen: :< but Mashe! Lhemis Can HAVE the cake :< I don't want it :<

Neyanna: Though if you ARE adamant you're dying.... maybe I should call Sabuku or maybe Fritz to look you over <.<

Kathiel: *Dismissive hand* O__O NO NO!! That wont be needed!!!!!

Prisipiteen: T^T *stares at the cake*

Prisipiteen: TA DAH 8D

Neyanna: >.> Cene... did you ....

Kathiel: *twitches* O__O you ate it....

Kathiel: OH GODS1?!!?! WHY! WHY! *cries*

Prisipiteen: Now you cant fight 8D

Neyanna: >.>... I guess.. that works......

Omake >.>

Kathiel: *weeping*

Neyanna: Oh here.... DO shut up Majesty T^^T *gives him cake*

Kathiel: OH NEYA 8D ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Neyanna: T^^T It means nothing. >.> <.< ♥

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