Friday 19 August 2011

This One does Explain - Doll Profiles


Name: Prince Zole’Kathiel Veradica

Nickname(s): Kathiel, Kathy, ‘ruffle butt’, Fattie, Fatso Mc'Fat.

Sex: Male.

Type/Sculpt: Souldoll Eliot.

Size: 61cm

Face-up: Otepoti (All mods done by Ote)

Wig: Luts milk white.

Eyes: Right eye is blind and is Haematite, left eye Luts red 14mm glass.

Back scarring, facial scars. 3 piercing in each ear, navel, and prince Albert piercing.

Arrival date: 22/04/11

Nationality/Species: God/Peryton.

Age: N/A

Siblings: Sabuku San’Elan (Twin)

Kathiel is the crown Prince of Playa, and a half mortal, half god, immortal. He can take the assumed form of a winged stag (Peryton). He is blind on his right side due to an accident. He spoils and loves his daughter Prisipiteen very much. He enjoys eating anything sweet, especially golden syrup cake (which he toasts) He is more the strong silent type, isn’t much for conversation. He likes expensive shiny things, and when it comes to expensive fabrics and clothes, he is rather vain. His vanity (and his money) usually goes into spoiling Prisipiteen with lavish dresses.


Name: Princess Prisipiteen Blite Varadika

Nickname(s): Prin-Prin, Prin/Pris or Princess.

Sex: Female

Type/Sculpt: Soom limited Ai (sleeping) on a Soom Limited Glot body.

Size: YO-SD

Face-up/Blushing: MissTansa (Mods by Otepoti)

Wig: Luts white

Eyes: 14mm Luts glass in blue.

Eyes opened.

Arrival date: 16-12-2009 body and 29-04-2010 head

Nationality/Species: Goddess/Peryton.

Age: Around 4-5 years old

Siblings: Ezekiel

Pris is the daughter of Neyanna and Kathiel, as her father is a god, Pris is also an immortal. Pris is born blind, deaf and mute, but later has her eyes and hearing fixed. Her inability to speak is later found out to be due to SM

She knows sign language, and instead of talking uses this to communicate.
She loves her father dearly, even though she thinks he's "silly". Pris has a guard dog named Fiorelii who she dotes on. Her favourite toy is a stuffed rag doll named Fritz, who she takes everywhere.

Name: Il'Friesian Constantinople

Nickname(s): Muffin/Pavy/Free

Sex: Male

Type/Sculpt: Luts Nanuri 07 and Juri

Size: SD

Face-up: Otepoti/Miss Tansa

Mods: Otepoti

Wig: Red and blue/white dreads

Eyes: Blue

Piercings/markings/Modifications: Horns

Arrival date:
Muffin: 29-09-09
Body: 30/08/2010
Pavlova: 25/09/2010

Nationality/Species: Nagual

Age: N/A

Siblings: N/A

Friesian is a Nagual, someone with the ability to shape-shift into an animal form. His animal being a Friesian stallion -hence the name :p - Like his animal counter-part he is VERY vain.

As well as being a Nagual, Friesian is also something of a Shaman. He can communicate with 'spirits' or poes.

This often gives him the nick-name of 'Spirit' or 'Witch'. He is often in a trance like state, floating somewhere between this world and the next. Most of Friesian's predictions are often inaccurate and he may just tell you what you want to hear in exchange for shiny objects :p

No one really knows how old he is, due to him mixing up various concoctions to keep himself alive for longer :p.

As we would change our clothes to suit our mood Friesian changes his face. Each face has its own "emotions" attributed to it, Pavlova is eccentric and a little insane, while Muffin is very much a slut XD.

Friesian is a loveable rouge albeit not a very good one. He is Pan-sexual, and doesn't understand gender roles at all, and this means he sometimes cross dresses >.>


Name: Captain Fiorelii Darious "Grim".

Nickname(s): Fio/Fee/Fea/Grim

Sex: Male.

Type/Sculpt: B&G Sky

Size: SD

Face-up: Otepoti

Mods: Otepoti

Wig: Sometimes hazel sometimes Red-head

Eyes: Blue/Hazel

Piercings/markings/Modifications: "Elf" ears, eye-mods, scar mod, lip piercing, left ear tunnel.

Arrival date: 12/5/11


Age: Around 24-ish

Siblings: Ifiltees Quentis "Noir", Vilacious Amadaious "Dread".

Fiorelii is the LONG suffering personal attendant to Fresian. He is a triplet and from Germany originally (Mother is French though >.>). He prefers to use his fists in fights, has a hot temper, but usually remains composed. He is also employed by Kathiel, mostly to keep Fresian away from him, but also as Prisipiteen's personal guard.

Fiorelii is a Nagual and has the ability to assume an animal form, which takes the shape of a LARGE liver coloured Doberman.

After his 'Death' he becomes a Psychopomp personal messenger to the Gods and Goddess's of the Major Arcarna. Like his animal counter-part Fio is very loyal and obedient.


Name: Orinoco Cassiopeia

Nickname(s): Ori

Sex: Female

Type/Sculpt: Doll-love Yoyo

Size: YOSD

Face-up: Miss Tansa


Wig: Carrot mohair.

Eyes: Yellow/golden

Arrival date:

Nationality/Species: Nagual


Orinoco is a Nagual thief originally from Volitare in the Major Arcarna. She was due to be executed by the current monarch Prince Aun'Jur when she was given a last minute reprieve from his daughter Sophia.

Sophia had Orinoco smuggled into Playhadia - Kathiel’s Kingdom - and from then on she has pretty much stolen her way around most of the Arcarna.

Orinoco has the ability to change her shape into an animal form, hers being a Ruffed Red Panda. She is an expert thief and jewel connoisseur, her and Friesian are often doing deals in ‘shinery’.

Even if she is caught Orinoco usually gets away, its gotten to the point now where Kathiel has just given up trying to stop her from stealing his stuff. Even though she is a thief, Orinoco believes in quality over quantity and she usually only steals what she needs to.

Name: Neyanna Rayal Akaidaija. Duchess of Karmavlott.
Nickname(s): Ne, Neya and Princess - Call her that and she will end you. >.>
Sex: Female

Type/Sculpt: Doll-Love Alice.
Size: 58cm
Face-up: Miss Tansa
Wig: Long Blonde
Eyes: Baby blue

Facial scar, ear piercing.

Arrival date: 15/7/11
Nationality/Species: Kiedan/Deletan/Shinegai cross

Age: 30-ish
Siblings: (That would be telling XD)

Neyanna is a “Shinegai” destined to be the perfect match and partner for Kathiel.
She is his wife and main protector. Neyanna is mother to Prisipiteen.
Neyanna is pessimistic, point blank, innocent and unable to tell a lie, she makes up for this with a naturally suspicious nature, and a fierce round-house kick. She loves animals, dancing and music.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Sorry I cannot post your comment on the secrets blog, but you link the image in the comments box for submission ^_^

    Beautiful dolls, by the way!

    thank you for taking an interest <3
