Tuesday 4 October 2011

This One does Post - A Photo Story - Let him eat cake


Kathiel: Urghhhhh *twitches* X__X

Prisipiteen: Lhemis what's the matter?
Kathiel: I think... I think I'm dying Cene :<

Kathiel: If ONLY your dear Mashe had let me eat that piece of cake yesterday... *DRAMATIC SIGH* then I might *cough* LIVE. *cough*

Prisipiteen: :< Don't die Lhemis!! Mashe didn't mean to be... mean! She was only thinking about Lhemis's teeth ;^; Mashe says you have many of them! and they might fall out if you keep eating sweets!

Kathiel: Cene... I'm pretty sure I really am dying this time.... Theres a bright light and everything!

Prisipiteen: Well.. what can I do to make you better? :<

Kathiel: *fake ponders* WELLLLLLL........

Prisipiteen: What if I gave you some cake :<?

Kathiel: WELLLL that would entirely depend on WHAT kind of cake it is Cene....

Prisipiteen: *pop* This kind of cake 8>

Kathiel: *___* *drools*

Kathiel: LOOK CENE! I'M HEALED! 8D I can sit up and everything.

Prisipiteen: <.< Mashe said you might say something like that...

Kathiel: >.> <.< lets not tell Mashe that you gave me cake alright?

Prisipiteen: Mashe will be angry with you 8<

Kathiel: That's why we don't tell her <.< >.>


MY PRECIOUS ONE *__* *rocks backwards and forwards*

And another of Pris because that nurse outfit... I have lusted over it for YEARS and now IT IS MINE (with thanks to birthday money Xp <3 )

*Lhemis = Daddy
*Mashe = Mummy
* Cene = Darling/angel

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