Friday 19 August 2011

This One does Post - A Photo Story - The Daily challenges of being a Guard Dog - P1

Prisipiteen: We went to the post office, but not on a Sun-dai because Lhemis said we couldn’t go then :<
And then!! When Mashe came home I  wasn’t allowed to see her Feeaaaa!!

Fiorelii: *Listens*
Fiorelii: She vill be home soon. You just haff to vait…
Prisipiteen: But… but!!
Prisipiteen: *Sulks and looks like she's going to cry*

Fiorelii: O__O.. um… I mean…

Prisipiteen: ; ^^ ; I just want Mashe Feaa ; ^ ; *holds his hand*

Fiorelii: I know :< You vont haff to vait much longer… I promise.

Prisipiteen: *looks up* Fea? That Witch is back…

Fiorelii: huh?

Prisipiteen: And he’s coming over here!! :o

Fiorelii: Oh.…. mien gott….

Fiorelii: You should go vait ova zere…. If his Majesty sees…

Prisipiteen:  ; ^  ;

Prisipiteen: But!! ; ^ ;

Fiorelii: It vill only be for a minute Princess…

Prisipiteen: Okay ; ^ ; *wanders off*

Fiorelii: Vot does he vant zis time....?

Muffin: HAIII Fio … >:3

Fiorelii: <.< You do know zat if his Majesty sees you….

Muffin: Aww but Fio, Fio, Fiiiiioooo… My sexy little German Stud dog! >:3

Fiorelii:  ……… Oh gotts…. *face palm*

Muffin: Don’t you think I look pretty now Fio?

Fiorelii: ….Friesian... You know I cant stand you ven you’re like zis…
Muffin: Awww but you’re sooo sexy when you're angry…

Fiorelii: <.<;;
Fiorelii: Look… I’m on duty….

Muffin: Aww come on Fio?

Fiorelii: Friesian……… .. Just let me go…

Muffin: Awww didn’t you miss me? Just a tinnnnyyy bit?

Fiorelii: T^^T No.. not really...

Muffin: Just… a little… tiny…. Kiss? Fio? to say welcome back?

Fiorelii: O__O
Muffin: Please? For me? Be a good boy?

Fiorelii: ……

Fiorelii: I haff to go…… ze Princess is vaiting for me...

Muffin: AWWWW BUT FIOOO!!! :< ???
Muffin: *HUFF!!* Some people just don’t understand perfection!!!! *hair fwips*

Ebis - Uncle
Lhemis- Daddy
Mashe - Mummy
Cene -Angel/sweetheart

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